For more than 100 years, Crossnore Communities for Children has provided a sanctuary of hope and healing for children as we help rebuild their faith in home. Today, we focus on ensuring the highest quality, safety, and accessibility of all Crossnore properties and programs.

For this, we thank you for your consideration as we launch our first-ever campaign as a multi-campus organization with professional staff in Henderson, Avery, and Forsyth Counties. In our commitment to provide vital and comprehensive care, your generosity and support will make all the difference.

Crossnore has stayed true to its mission and been more engaged than ever with the families and children who depend on us. Our history of compassionate excellence now gives us confidence to take the steps necessary for our future.

— Bick Cardwell, Board Chair

Dedicated to the complex needs of children and families at serious risk, Crossnore Communities for Children has unparalleled resources to help children realize their true selves while they heal, gain perspective, and learn to thrive as resilient individuals.

But consequential resources often require assessment and investment to assure their vitality over time. As a recognized leader in understanding how trauma can affect the whole child—emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually—Crossnore also has the organizational strength and vision to see clearly its own diverse needs and to respond with decisiveness. Now is exactly such a time for Crossnore.

The Crossnore way is steady and sure but it does not sit still. We must have the ability and courage to position for the future, to adapt with an ever-evolving spirit. The children and families who depend on us deserve nothing less.

— Brett Loftis, JD, CEO

Campaign Priorities

In order that we may deliver fully on the historic promise of Crossnore and continue to serve the needs of some of the most vulnerable children and families in North Carolina, we embark on a comprehensive $41 million campaign to invest in three overarching priorities: where we serve children, how we transform lives, and the administrative gears that keep us moving.

Hurting children in North Carolina have critical needs in order to thrive as adults. This campaign addresses those needs, and we need old and new friends of Crossnore to answer this urgent call for support.

— Charlie Izard, Lead Donor and Cabinet Co-Chair

Local Support

As we address three central areas of need—structural, programmatic, and operational—we know that every priority is born from our unwavering dedication to children and a commitment to help reclaim every child’s God-given right to feel safe and loved and to know the warm acceptance of a place called home.

Stories of Impact

Crossnore Receives Approval for Charter School

Crossnore Communities for Children announces the approval of their charter school application by the Charter School Review Board (CSRB) and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.  |   more

Crossnore Launches Public Phase of Comprehensive Campaign

We have officially embarked on the public phase of our $41 million comprehensive campaign to expand and enhance where children served by the organization live, learn, and heal.  |   more

Empowering Our Youth Aging out of Foster Care: The Vital Role We Can All Play

Adulting is hard. Becoming an adult is often both an exciting and scary time for any of us. We may be thinking about where we want to live, what job we hope to have, or what future family we want to grow.  |   more

Bridging Families Update

Years ago, Crossnore’s leadership had a vision for how to do the work we have been doing for more than 100 years even better. This dream has come to life with the launch of Bridging Families©, Crossnore’s newest service line.  |   more

Our Daughter

“‘At a minimum, Nevaeh is two years behind in reading. We’re working really hard on the alphabet and sounding out each letter.’ That’s the first meeting we had with our daughter’s second grade teacher,” said Caroline Hart, Crossnore’s Chief External Relations Officer and Deputy Director.  |   more

Crossnore Announces Grant for Community Work

Crossnore Communities for Children and its Center for Trauma Resilient Communities (CTRC) are pleased to be the recipient of a $4,000,000 ReCast: Resiliency in Communities after Stress and Trauma grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  |   more

System Change: Why It Matters for Children

Imagine waking up tomorrow and finding out you had to go live somewhere else. Somewhere you didn’t choose. Away from your family, your friends, your pets, and everything you know.  |   more

Making a Difference:
Kim's Story

Although Kim Barnhardt’s volunteer name badge only states her name, there’s a joke around here that it should really say “Volunteer Queen.” After retiring from 18 years of nursing, Kim is a staple on our Avery campus, always finding ways to serve our staff and children. She is also a valued member of Crossnore’s Board of Trustees.  |   more

A Young Heart Full
of Grace

In a world where our youth are often misjudged, dismissed, and overlooked, we are thankful to be in a field of work that sees children for who and what they are – beautiful beings created in the image of God – and blessed to get to watch them overcome, grow, advocate, and succeed every day.  |   more

Abby's Letter

Do you ever wonder what impact your donations have on the children served by Crossnore? Meet Abby (not her real name; story shared with her permission), a middle school student referred to Crossnore 18 months ago following a suicide attempt.  |   more

Campaign Progress

Campaign Progress Announcement Coming Soon

Your support is helping us get closer to a goal everyday. If you have not yet made a contribution, please do so here, or speak to a campaign volunteer. Thank you for your continued support.

As of December 31, 2023, we have raised $39.48 million of our $41 million dollar goal.

41 million

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To learn more about The Promise of Home campaign, download the campaign case statement, submit the adjacent form, or contact Brandon Cathey at or (336) 721-7600.

Download Case Statement